Maxprog MaxBulk Mailer PRO v8.6.1
Email Marketing is spreading around the whole world because of its high effectiveness, speed and low cost. If you want to introduce and sell your product or service, the best way is to use e-mail to contact your targeted customer.
Версия: Maxprog MaxBulk Mailer PRO v8.6.1
Targeted e-mail is no doubt very effective. If you can introduce your product or service through email directly to the customers who are interested in them, this will bring your business a better chance of success.
Version : v8.6.1
OS : Windows
- Detects and use your language if available.
- Send Text/HTML in a way client always shows the right format.
- Drag and drop support for mailing text and address list.
- Easy import/export address list files easy to use functions.
- Advanced parser and duplicates checking, also from clipboard.
- Powerful tools in order to rewrap and justify text.
- Preview function to check document appearance before sending.
- Full support for international characters (40 different encodings).
- Multiple customizable easy-to-use mail accounts.
- Remote List Management (MLM) and Global Blacklist support.
- Attachment support (Base64, UUEncode, BinHex, …).
- E-mails can be sent all at once, grouped or using mail-merge tags.
- Custom tags for mail-merge.
- Mail scheduling (Mail delayed delivery).
Complete SMTP/POP connection log. POP, APOP and ESMTP Authentication.
Maxprog MaxBulk Mailer PRO v8.6.1 CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD

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